The National Council is the planning and executive arm of Alpha Chi. Its membership varies but includes a constitutional minimum of eight faculty members elected by the National Convention, seven other faculty who are regional secretary-treasurers, and seven students representing their regions. From the faculty members on the Council are elected the three national officers: president, vice president, and secretary. Along with the executive director, who serves ex-officio, these compose the executive committee.
Each chapter of Alpha Chi is affiliated with one of seven regions, which convene every year to conduct their business. The regions meet in conjunction with the annual National Convention. Each region elects from faculty advisors a president, vice president, and secretary-treasurer; they, along with the elected student representative, compose the executive committee of the region.
Region I: West Texas, Oklahoma Panhandle, and New Mexico
Region II: East Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana
Region III: Southeast, Middle Atlantic, and Puerto Rico
Region IV: Northern Plains
Region V: Eastern Midwest
Region VI: Northeast
Region VII: West
Each chapter functions with advisors (we used to call them sponsors) who lead the chapter locally and serve as the liaison to the national office. The primary chapter advisor is appointed for a one to three-year term by the institution's chief executive or academic officer and is responsible for overseeing all aspects of local chapter life. Many chapters also elect assistant advisors who help the primary advisor with these duties.
Alpha Chi’s national headquarters are in Little Rock, Arkansas. Contact Us