Regional Presidents - Vice Presidents

In addition to each region’s secretary-treasurer and student representative, who also serve on the National Council, the regional president and vice president complete the executive committee of each of Alpha Chi’s seven regions. The president and vice president hold office for two years once elected in the regional business meeting held during national conventions in even-numbered years.

Region I, 2024-26
President:  Dr. Erika Nielson Vargas, Texas State University
Vice President:  

Region II, 2024-26
President:  Dr. Myra Houser, Ouachita Baptist University
Vice President:  Dr. Jennifer Hicks, Southeastern Oklahoma State University

Region III, 2024-26
President:  Dr. Laura Steil, Mars Hill University
Vice President:  Prof. Michelle Putnam, Lipscomb University

Region IV, 2024-26
President:  Dr. Kathi Vosevich, Lindenwood University
Vice President:  Dr. Justine Pas, Lindenwood University

Region V, 2024-26
President:  Dr. Joni Lindsey, Lake Superior State University
Vice President:  Dr. Tanner Babb, Huntington University

Region VI, 2024-26
President:  Dr. Linda Latimer, Post University
Vice President:  

Region VII, 2024-26
President:  Dr. Maria Palaiologou, California State University, Bakersfield
Vice President:  Dr. Bre Naegeli, Grand Canyon University