National Service Initiatives
All Alpha Chi chapters are invited to participate in this year's national service initiative. This year, chapters are asked to collect new socks and donate them to individuals in need. This can be on the local, regional, national, or even global scale. Your chapter does not need to be attending the national convention in order to participate in the service project.
Sock-It-To-Me Sock Drive
For Alpha Chi, scholarship is a pathway toward leadership that makes a difference in the world, a difference that is needed and called for, just as those in Birmingham saw a need and found ways to meet it. Among other things, social justice is recognizing unmet needs and disparate access to resources. You might be wondering, what does this have to do with collecting socks?
There are many reasons people experience homelessness around the world today-- from poverty and violence to natural disasters. Something that is desperately needed, particularly by those adults and children who find themselves without homes, is socks. So, Alpha Chi is going to gather and distribute socks globally, regionally, and locally in our first Sock-It-To-Me Sock Drive.
How do we get sock donations?
Where do we donate our socks?
Choose one or more of the following areas of need. Regardless of which option you choose, get to know something about the organization you donate to and learn something about the circumstances of those who receive the socks.