The Alpha Chi Collegiate Chapter

Chapter-Driven, Student-Led

In some 300 Alpha Chi chapters across the country, student members are key leaders. Members serve as chapter officers, choosing their own events, orienting their own outreach, and even spending their own funds. For this reason, the goals and focus will vary widely from chapter to chapter. At a tightly knit liberal arts college that inducts 10 to 20 members a year, the priorities will differ greatly from one at a larger university registering 100 to 200 new members annually.

To see a list of our currently active chapters, click here.

A Place for Gifted Students to Thrive

At all chapters, however, the priority is to fuel a robust intellectual life on campus. Across the country, Alpha Chi chapters celebrate and cultivate the life of the scholar. Chapters sponsor lectures, forums, debates, workshops, and publication opportunities. These invigorating events will benefit both members and non-members alike.

Scholarship for Good

We believe the ultimate aim of any scholarly pursuit is to make our world better in some tangible way. Our members tend to be people who are both conscientious and engaged, fueling change on the macro and micro levels. Many chapters embrace service as part of their local mission, working to meet the unique needs of their communities and campuses.  

Chapter Advisors, Mentors, and a Scholarly Network

Each chapter functions with at least one primary advisor, most often a faculty member, who acts as the liaison to the national office. Alpha Chi advisors are among the brightest professionals any campus, and you’ll have special access to them. Many chapters also elect assistant advisors who help the primary advisor with these duties.