Aletheia Editorial Workflow


The Aletheia staff strives for a quick and efficient editorial process, aiming for publication in less than 6 months for most manuscripts. The following expectation workflow outlines our editorial process.

1. Production Editor sends acknowledgment (and request for any missing materials, if any) to Authors generally within 2 working days of submission.

2. Production Editor sends redacted submissions to Editors.

3. Editors send redacted submissions to the Editorial Review Board, if necessary, to determine if submission is acceptable to begin the review process.

4. Editors assign acceptable manuscripts to Manuscript Editors within 1 week of completed submission or within 1 week of decision of Editorial Review Board.

5. Manuscript Editors recruit two or more (generally not more than three) outside Reviewers and deliver the manuscript to them within 2 weeks of taking assignment of the manuscript.

6. Reviewers are expected to complete their assessment and return comments and a publication decision to Manuscript Editor within 4 weeks of receipt of the manuscript (extensions of up to 2 weeks can be granted at discretion of Manuscript Editor).

7. After consultation with the Editor, Manuscript Editors contact authors with a publication decision and Reviewer feedback within 2 weeks of receiving Reviewer comments.

8. Authors may be asked to make revisions and return a reworked manuscript to the Manuscript Editor within 3 weeks (extension granted at the discretion of the editor.

9. Manuscript Editors then review the revised manuscript in consultation with the Reviewers, Authors, and Editor to complete the revision process and ensure that the manuscript is acceptable for publication.

10. Graduate Student Reviewers (if assigned) will be given the opportunity to offer their feedback to the Manuscript Editor.

11. The Layout Editor lays out the manuscript in galley form within 2 weeks of receipt of appropriately formatted and accepted finalized materials. A galley pdf is then sent to the Proofreader. After the Proofreader's edits are incorporated, the Layout Editor sends the galley proof to the Author and Manuscript Editor for final review prior to publication.

12. The Author should return galley revisions to the Layout Editor within 1 week. If no revisions are communicated, the editors reserve the right to publish the manuscript as presented to the Author.

13. The production staff make corrections, conduct a final proof reading, and publish the manuscript online within 2 weeks.